The telecoms industry should focus on four key areas where it can help cut carbon emissions, according to a report from Deloitte.
A separate report by Ovum estimated that the telecoms industry could enable reductions in global CO2 emissions by between five and 10 per cent.
The global telecoms industry itself generates 183 million tonnes of CO2 annually, or about 0.7 per cent of global emissions – a carbon footprint comparable to the automotive and aviation sectors.
Deloitte says these savings can be achieved by tackling its own sector's operations and using technology to reduce those of others.
Tony Cooper, telecoms partner at Deloitte, said: "While the economic downturn has led to the emergence of a global cost reduction agenda, and while the recent global drive to cut carbon emissions gathers momentum, there is now a unique opportunity for telecoms businesses to lead from an eminence perspective, and also to open up significant new revenue streams."
To help other sectors, the industry should look at using telemetry systems to change driving styles, reducing fuel costs and emissions in the commercial transport businesses.
And better application of navigation technologies on phones would help to co-ordinate and encourage use of public transport services.
Providing home energy management solutions on mobiles could help people control household emissions.
Meanwhile, the telecoms sector could help reduce its own emissions by discouraging IP traffic that generates negative economic value through adapting pricing models and amending throttling policies.
Written by Tom Young - First published on